Summer May be Coming to an End, But You Still Need Sunscreen
Summer and all of its exciting events may be winding down but that doesn't mean the sun's UV rays are taking a breather. As fun as the sunshine is, skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer that affects humans, with one in five developing it by the time they are 70.
Thriving Together: Elevating Mental Health in NYC through Engaging Recreation Activities
The loneliness menace in New York City and nationwide existed even before the COVID-19 pandemic. A January 2020 report by the health insurer Cigna 'Loneliness and the Workplace', indicated that most New Yorkers are considered lonely.
Get Your Glow On: 6 DIY Winter Face Masks for a Hydrated and Radiant Feel!
Aside from a sign of good health, flawless and radiating skin can positively impact your life. It makes you feel beautiful and boosts your confidence and social behavior.
Flu Season Survival Guide: Navigating Symptoms and Staying Healthy
Flu season is slowly approaching and can be expected to peak between December and February.
Mastering the 2024 NYC Marathon: Tips to Elevate Your Race Day Experience
The New York City Marathon is a story of success. It started as a small Central Park event in 1970, in which 127 runners looped the park four times.
New Wellness Goals and Trends for 2024
2024 is a new year, and a lot of us are making wellness-related resolutions. Goals are, of course, even better. So, what kind of trends are we seeing in 2024? What should you be thinking about?
Holistic Wellness: The New Way Forward
Here, we will examine the economics of the health and wellness industry and how these products or services are impacting people who desire a lifestyle change that doesn't include more toys, but increased wellness (the state of being in good health)!